Monday, 16 September 2013

Front Covers

This is the first magazine cover I have chosen to analyse.
I have chosen this cover because of the contrasting colours. I like the idea of the bright red writing on a black and/or white background - I may use this idea on my own front cover as it is eye catching and easy to read.
I like how the masthead is big and bold, and then the tag line is white, and doesn't stand out as much so the first thing you notice is the dark picture and the red writing.
I will also use the layout as most magazines use the 'left/right rule'.
this magazine reflects the age of the reader as being a sort of  teenager and early twenties image. the celebrities on the cover seem t have a kind of 'school boy' attitude to them, but they are older.
I could also use the same lighting technique, as the faces are lit well but the clothing isn't, meaning the face is bright and has shape but the clothing looks like a flat colour.

I am analysing this cover mainly because I love the idea of a close-up image for the front of my magazine.
I like how the celebrity's face is basically surrounded by red hair and the white writing is kept on the darker shades of red, making it more eye catching. I also like how there are no stock images so your attention is completely on the main article.

I like the way this cover has the main article along the bottom of the page and picture, and the other small articles are kept around the main image.
I think that the blunt tag line makes you want to read the article, even though the name of the band initially catches your attention.
This cover seems to attract older male readers, as the band is an older, more rock/alternative kind of band.

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